Before her royal days, Meghan Markle was a successful actress, known for her role in the TV series “Suits.” Here’s a lesser-known detail on Meghan Markle’s...
In a heartwarming revelation, Carole Middleton shares her affection for Prince William, calling him “lovely” and cherishing family bonds. Carole Middleton, mother of Catherine, is a...
Prince Harry’s ex-girlfriend Chelsy Davy “made up her mind once and for all” that she could not be a royal bride. Prince Harry’s then-girlfriend Chelsy Davy...
This is a great question that frequently pops up when discussing Kate Middleton and her various royal engagements. There’s quite a history between royal women and...
Meghan Markle and Harry dealt a major blow to their royal standing shortly after Meghan launched her new brand on Instagram. After Meghan Markle introduced her...
The Prince of Wales, William, sought to conceal his identity by using a fake name as a student at St Andrews, where he met his now...
Queen Elizabeth passed away in 2022. But Prince Harry will always remember the time she spent with his two children, Archie and Lilibet. Prince Harry talked...
Princess of Wales, Catherine, has been wearing this gorgeous accessory ever since she first started dating Prince William. From her early days as Prince William’s girlfriend...